“Everyone needs a coach.”

That’s how Bill Gates starts off this TED Talk given in April, 2013. He goes on to say “We all need people to give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Watch this talk and learn why Bill himself uses a coach.

Eric Schmidt the Chairman of the Board at Google also shares his story about coaching in this brief video.

The investments that our clients make varies depending on the scope of work for their particular project.  Some pay as little as $300 a month while others pay as much as $3,000 a month.  We can’t determine the amount of your investment until we meet and learn more about your business idea and the stage that you are at.

Please complete the basic intake form below and we will be back in touch to quickly assess your situation and get you into Stage 1 of your moonshot 120-day countdown.

Mindset is Mission Critical!

With the great majority of start-ups failing in one year or less and most small businesses not surviving the first 5 years, Mindset is the key element of start-up success.

Having strong philosophies about business and life are invaluable pieces of your success puzzle. By far, the most important question that you need an answer to is WHY?

To help us get off to a good start as “working partners”, please take a few thoughtful moments to answer this brief set of questions:

SunDance Coaching | Auburn, CA | 530.401.1758 | Web Design by Placer Marketing

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